Monday, June 18, 2012

Mircrosoft Announces Windows 8 RT Tablet Calls it Surface

Microsoft just announced there Windows 8 RT Tablet in Los Angeles, the tablet is called Surface. Its 9.3mm thick the chassis is built with magnesium allow to make it lighter and it weighs only 680grams, powered by a nVidia ARM Chip of unknown clock frequency or number of core (will be updated later). The tablet have a stand built right into the back cover, The display is Optically Bonded (WTF?) Gorilla Glass 2 technology and measures 10.6" with HD Resolution (wait for the actual resolution)

The nice thing here is the smart cover which unlike apple iPad's cover is smart in real sense as it offered a built in keyboard and an optical touch pad. The tablet with 32GB and 64GB Storage options, ports included are USB 2.0 and HDMI, Stay tuned for more updates

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Rise and Fall of Nokia

Being a Nokia fan i never thought it will come to this that one day i will write an article criticizing Nokia and the mistakes they made which led to there decline, but one thing history teaches us is that even the most power full of kingdoms fall, and the bigger they are the harder they fall.

The innovations Nokia made in the smartphone world can never be forgotten, Nokia defined the term smartphone with there Symbian operating system and the first ever Camera Equipped smartphone Nokia 7650 in early 2000s, smartphones were not the only area Nokia shined in, Low end phones market was also dominated by Nokia, Who can forget the ever lasting Nokia 3310 which some claims to be the strongest phone ever made, Nokia 1100, Nokia 1112, Nokia 1202, Nokia 1280..... These phones were sold in billions and were cheap enough to be afforded by poor people.

They remained the leading smartphone manufacturer in from 2003 to 2008, between this period they experimented with new form factors(Communicator devices, Nokia 7710, Nokia 7280, Nokia 7373, N-gage Series) , new operating systems (Series 90, Series80, Meego), They even introduced some of the best hardware in imaging (Nokia N82, Nokia N8) although SonyEricsson was a strong competitor with there Cybershot camera phones.

By the end of 2007 Nokia owned 40% World smartphone market shares which means that every 4 out of 10 mobiles sold were Nokia, this was also the same quarter when Apple introduced there iPhone.

The problem begin when other companies got into play and introduced there operating systems which offered some amazing features, although Nokia also had touchscreen smartphones by then but they used the  same old Symbian S60, Nokia needed to evolve by this time which they did not, they kept rolling the same decade old OS in there touch screen phones, not to mention resistive touch screens, Apple took full advantage and year after year introduced New Iphones which offered some amazing capacitive multitouchscreens and fluid UI.

The things got worse for Nokia when google came storming with there Android OS.

Around the end of first decade we could already see the trend that nokia shares started to fall and Apple's picking up pace in world smartphone market shares.

Nokia went through a lot of changes, they had to make some tough decisions now but that wasn't easy with the new CEO Stephen Elop (Former Microsoft Executive) and the falling market shares, Elope had lots of options here some of which were

  • Invest in development and evolution of Symbian
  • Go with Android OS
  • Go with Windows Mobile OS (which according to me was worst of the three)
Somehow Elop decided to go with Windows Mobile, He also decided to ultimately drop symbian support by the end of 2014 which was a bad move considering millions of people who were still using Symbian had to abandon it due to no future.

Nokia should have trusted in there own operating system and shouldve invested in the overhaul of Symbian operating system. The decision of going with Windows Mobile have led them no where even though the hardware is quite nice both Lumia 800 and  Lumia 900 are some of the best built phones but that was not enough to be a success in the market dominated by Android and iOS, windows mobile might need more time and developers support to expand its application database but at the moment its no where near Android & iOS

According to NASDA Market survey by the end of 2012 Android will own 60% smartphone market share most of which is dominated by Samsung.

Nokia seriously needs to go through there Future Plan, they still have the potential to innovate, like they recently did with the pureview technology in there Nokia 808 41Mega Pixel Camera phone which i doubt will be huge success due to its Symbian Operating System but still its quite an innovation in camera phone world.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Apple iPhone 5 New Details

With only 2 months remaining in its official announcement rumours of iPhone 5 are getting stronger by day. New leaked images of iPhone reveal a lot more then the previous casing comparison video. The images verify previous claims and provide new information

The core design remains same as iPhone 4 and 4S, the Screen size is rumoured to be 4.1 inches which in return increased the over all length of the device, also if they keep the same resolution they will have to come up with a new excuse to use the word "Retina Display" because the pixel per inches will be lower due to increased physical dimension of the screen.

The back is completely changed, It appears to be made of Anodized brushed Aluminium, seems like Apple had enough with complaints of shattered Glass backs.

Rest of the hardware is pretty standard , Volume Buttons, Silent toggle switch, Power Button all remain in there place as expected.

The headphone jack slot is moved at bottom, speaker grills remain at there place, The thing to notice here is that the connector size is now reduced, i am amazed that apple decided to drop there standard 30Pin connector.

We'll just have to wait couple of months to see the device in action, The screen shots suggest that it is still running iOS 5 instead of the newly announced iOS6, but i am sure the final version will be announced/released with iOS6.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Battle Of Mobile OS Updates

Those were the good old days when Symbian ruled the world and all the people waited for the next Symbian version i.e. Series 60 v7.0 to 8.0 to 9.0 and 9.1,

The game changed when apple entered the market with Iphone in 2007. its not wrong to say that things haven't changed dramatically ever since, just a bit of extra added features in each iOS version, Apple announced the iOS 6 yesterday which will be the factory OS in there upcoming Iphone 5 expected to release in Mid September.

Apple will always deprive users owning old iphones of some features in order to make them buy new hardware, its Apple's monopoly & nothing new....

On the other hand Android's Ice Cream Sandwich is doing really well but at the moment there are still lots of devices waiting for an official ice cream sandwich update and the rumours of the next android OS Jelly Beam 5.0 are already in play.

Things are not going so well for Microsoft (& Nokia) , with iOS and Android taking over the world market, Windows Mobile number are not increasing at a pace they predicted, and you cant blame the numbers, Windows Mobile 7.5 have nothing spectacular to offer (limited App availability) apart from the Tile Interface which is considered disadvantage by some, They really need to speed up the process of releasing Windows Mobile 8 (AKA Apollo)

Blackberry is also betting all its success on the release of Blackberry OS 10 which will be announced in the 3Q 2012.....